Title: Fracture

Medium: oil, knife, wire on canvas

Dimensions: 48" H x 36" W

Year: 2022

Price: $3000

Title: Consciousness Cannot Escape Itself

Medium: oil, knife, wire, sparkles, paper on canvas

Dimensions: 36" H x 36" W

Year: 2023

Price $ 3000

Lighting with this piece is very dynamic

as are the mirror reflections. 

Title: Catch-22

Medium: oil, broken mirror, wire on canvas

Dimensions: 20" H x 16" W

Year: 2021

Price: NFS, Artist's private collection

graceann  cummings

Title: Your Innocence is Your Witness

Medium: oil, broken mirror, wire on canvas

Dimensions: 24" H x 24" W

Year: 2022

Price: $5000